
My research uses tools from cognitive science and philosophy to improve how we reason and communicate. One project develops new empirical methods to advance experimental philosophy and other areas of psychology. Another develops and tests classroom interventions that improve student motivation and achievement by giving students greater autonomy. And a third project aims to improve reasoning, open-mindedness, and across-the-aisle communication via experiments in computer-aided pedagogy, argument visualization, market-based discussion moderation, and AI mediation for improving the quality of dialogue.

In AY 2024–25, I'm Dietrich College AI and Education Fellow, allowing me to focus on developing and experimentally testing AI applications to enhance group reasoning, depolarize political dialogue, and foster understanding on campus and beyond. After completing my PhD in Philosophy at Princeton University, I was a postdoc in the Philosophy Department at Princeton and in the Cohen Lab at Princeton Neuroscience Institute. In 2018, I joined the philosophy faculty at Carnegie Mellon University. My CV is available here

Contact me at <my last name at cmu dot edu>